Tuesday 29 June 2010

A Happy Happy Unbirthday To You!

To me?
Yes, you!

It's our blog's first birthday today!

Imagine that!
Bless, look how she's grown, with her 5 followers, and over 300 hits, most of them from the same person etc. Brings a tear to my eye just thinking of it.

Also, our next post will be our 100th. Pretty good timing I think. We're gonna make that blog the best ever. You'll be so astounded. It'll blow your mind. You won't know what hit you.
That's just a bit of warning for you, keep your eyes peeeeeeeeeled.


PS. I'm unsure whether 'our blog's first birthday' has an apostrophe or not, having recently gone retarded. I originally thought not, but now I think so, due to the blogs possession of the birthday. Help?

I'm So Much Better Than You!

So, so, so, so, so much better than HAM!
And I can't fucking wait till I see karma fuck you over.
Well you're the one who makes me feel much taller than you are
Sorry for the ambiguous cryptic form this post takes, just things seem real when they're posted on the internet :L

Monday 28 June 2010

The Sun Is Shinin', You're Feeling Fine, And The Birds Are Singing In The Trees

Right well, this lovely weather, it's lovely. I like it. The only problem occours though, when I run out of clothes that arn't skinny jeans and dark colours. For the next few days, all of my summer clothes are in the wash, for I didn't think of this moment when I wore them last week, and I'm gonna have to go out today in black skinnies. fml. :L

Also, at this moment I'd like to mention how the nature of consumerism and the socially accepted norm is wrong and should be abolished.
Women can't take their tops off in public, if we do we get odd looks. People are like 'why are you wondering round in your bra you strange woman!' And I reply, 'Where is your bra, you fat, moobed up, disgusting man!'
No, I don't really, 'cause I'm nice etc. but it's the concept that matters.

Why is it okay for us to wear bikini tops outside with no top, but not just our bras?!


Also, the nature of consumerism inside us is eating us all. We should all stop it and it'd all be fine.

That's what I think (Y)


Friday 25 June 2010

Night Terrors.

I woke up screaming, shaking and dreading everything. Maybe I'll just never sleep again. I slept for half an hour maybe, I had the most beautiful dreams. There is no sweetness in the dreaming. There is never any sweetness in the fucking dreaming.

A child can play make believe for hours, they can be anyone or anything they like. The magic fades, and we're stuck with our boring old lives. We must never get boring.

I dreamt of perfection. It didn't look how I would have imagined but I recognised it immediately. It was magnificent, mesmerising and truly beautiful. I don't remember much else. Well, the devil's in the details.

And I woke up screaming because it's just out of reach. I'm in the matrix, I'm just plugged in, in a fucking glass cage and just can't quite break out into the real world.

I'll keep screaming. Just keep screaming. You're so guilty it's disgusting.

Tuesday 22 June 2010

So stop looking so damn depressed and sing with all your heart that the queen is dead!

I think I’m in love with Frank Turner.

His album, ‘Love Ire and Songs’ downloaded today, and I have literally listened to it on repeat all day! :$

‘A teacher of mine once told me that life was just a list of disappointments and defeats, and you could only do your best. And I said: well that’s a fucking cop out, you’re just washed up and you’re tired, and when I get to your age, well, I won’t be such a coward’

So, If only for a little while, I could insist on the impossible, I’d like to say, Mr Frank Turner, you have made my day today; now get in my bed.

:) x

Sunday 20 June 2010

We're All Such Products

I do love this world etc. etc. This needs to be stated first, and kept in mind throughout, as this is going to be a bit of a bitch. Brace one's self...

I hate society. I find it almost impossible not to spend money. I always held that I wasn't a materialistic person. Who am I kidding? Of course I am. I want clothes! More and more clothes! When did I need clothes to define who I am? It's inescapable though, I mean even to make a statement that you don't define yourself with clothes, you need clothes. And things like perfume, I also want to define myself by scent, so that's another 40quid just to smell like something that isn't how I smell. I don't need any of it. My phone getting topped up all the time, to text random crap to people. And how I'd love to let it all go, and break out, but how I love more, to dress in my high street fashion, and smell pretty and have all the things that I want. The first, that's what I really want, the latter I only want because society tells me I should. That and I get distracted by shiny things.

Friday 18 June 2010

A story for no one in particular...honest

Once there was a boy, who had no name and did not exist. One day he decided his lack of existence was unjustified, for lots of other people got to exist, and he felt him and Daniel Cowman were being discriminated against. He began to yell and shout, and push people over in the street, but in most part he was ignored.
He began a different approach, and went on a hunt for a guitar which did not exist. It took 7 shops, but he found it eventually and immediately commenced in singing songs of love and mutual respect on street corners. The existing people were amazed and quickly called Winston, a wise old peacock who ran the apothecary on the corner. They sat cross legged on the floor in front of him, mesmerised by the music, till eventually they decided that the boy and Daniel Cowman would be allowed to exist and Winston made it so, with his magical powers. Regina was a little pissed, but she got over it.
The End

Wednesday 16 June 2010

My day with Derek.

Derek was given to me today, he's an invisible guardian unicorn who fills my head with happy thoughts all day, how cool is that! :O

Well, I thought I'd describe a day spent in the company of an invisible unicorn, as many people, I'm sure, are unfamiliar with the concept.

I started with a slight lay in, a good start I thought. I then had a shower, where both the shampoo and conditioner ran out at the same time, but I still had enough to wash my hair with; this is always a sign that your day will be great, and is a very rare occurrence! I then got to go shopping for baby clothes, for everyone has babies at this time of year, so newborns are popping up everywhere and as are birthday's. After a productive shopping trip I came home and made cake, cake that worked very well, it rose perfectly, I hardly made any mess, and I never burnt myself once. Today was already one of the best days ever.
While the cake was cooling I decided to go to co-op to get some soup, for I had cravings for tomato soup, and we had run dry of soup last week; now, Ladies and Gentlemen, I must say, if you're going to spend hardly any money on soup, spend hardly any money on soup in ASDA. ASDA smartprice tomato soup, is lovely, despite it's lack of anything real in it, it is 17p for a normal sized tin, in Co-op however, cheap soup, is 'healthy living' soup, so it's probably got less real things in it than smartprice, and it is also about 20 odd p more expensive, for a smaller tin too! And, to top that off, it tastes like shit. So, I warn you of 'Co-op Healthy Living Tomato Soup' for future reference :)
I did however get a chocolate muffin, which was lovely, and fully made up for the lack of nice soup.
I'm going for my second ever lesson on the Organ later.
I'm also going to see a 3 day old baby, and give him some adorable dungaree's with dinosaurs on I bought earlier.

I feel this day shall continue to be good.
I thank you for Derek; he's super cool.


Monday 14 June 2010

If you read this...

Comment, just an anonymous one, just once, Saying 'Yes!' or maybe 'I love you two! <3' or something a long those lines, we just wanna see once and for all how many people roughly do read this, and as our hit counter has been tampered with, this shall do.

I love you all, X

Saturday 12 June 2010

'I'm going to be Frank'

'That's okay, but can I still be Garth?'


That is all.


Wednesday 9 June 2010

We Leave The Sound On 'Cause Silence Is Harder

I like silence, there’s something magical about it, strangely, horribly, mangled. When you’re in a room with no sound. Nothing. Your brain starts to make up sounds, tries to give you something to focus on, but you can’t, ‘cause it’s not really there. Silence is hard, silence is beautiful, silence is the most monstrous thing in the solar system. There’s so much of it, start in your house; the door is closed, there’s no music, no people outside, no talking. Further afield, the woods for instance, you can just stand and listen, but there’s nothing to hear, maybe the odd crack of a branch by a bird far off in the distance, the snap that shoots through your body, shocking it back to reality, to where you physically are, because mentally, you’re miles away, somewhere up in space. Floating. No one’s there, no one talks to you, no one talks about you. There’s only you and these lights, beautiful massive firey balls of light, reflecting colours of red and blue and yellows. The beautiful colours that make up this existence of ours, they’re just ever so slightly more astounding in the silence. One day they’re all going to implode on each other, sucking each other in, ripping the universe apart. Will that be silent? Or will it be obstreperous? A noise so loud it rips apart worlds. Will it happen in a second, or over an infinite amount of time. Will it be like a momentary snatch in the air at a fly, or a plate smashing onto the floor, obliterating into a thousand shards. I guess we’ll never know.

Tuesday 8 June 2010

I Can Dance And Win At Games

Like Backgammon and life...

We win motherfuckers!
We had Raspberry Ribena. From a shop.
Hell Yes!

We've Got All The Time In The World Tonight!

Except, we haven't I'm afraid. This is because something terrible has happened; something which must be corrected immediately! Now, I bid you, please try not to get too upset, but you must know, this is a very serious matter; The Clergy have struck again.
As most of you will have probably noticed, recently there have been advertisements around, promoting Raspberry Ribena, a wonderful thought you think, however, why is it, whenever I go into a shop, such as the Co-op, ASDA, or the corner shop, they do not have it, and not only that, there isn't even a space for it! There is only one thing it could have been, and yes, I will state it again, The Clergy. They have obviously gone round and stolen all of the Ribena from the shops. They don't like Raspberry ribena, you see, because they believe Raspberry's are having a secret rebellion against God.
This though, Ladies and Gentlemen, is not going to hold us back! We are going to go on a crusade to find Raspberry Ribena, and we ask you to send us luck and happy thoughts, for we shall need it!

Love love x

Friday 4 June 2010

Leave Your Damage Behind And Gone.

Lets just get one thing straight, we are fucking awesome. We are terrified of everything but stopped by nothing. We can do anything. Truly invincible. Not only can we do anything but we can do it well, with grace where it's needed and honesty and fucking conviction. We are amazing. We don't need anyone or anything just watch us go, nothing can stop us, we'll see the world, we'll knock them dead. This entire living shit, we rock at it. And we always will.

I added Snake! :O

This. Is. Genius! :O

I may be slightly obsessed, but this is a good thing I think. Sit back, relax, have a flick through our blog, play Snake! :D I might add Space Invaders too if you're lucky.

Neave btw, is a genius website, I only use it for it's games, but if you have old school, red and blue 3D Glasses etc. there's a fuck load of awesome shit you can do on it :P Check it outttt...Here!

Love love xxx

Ps. It's now at the bottom, 'cause apparently it looked odd at the top and it won't fit in the sidebar :L have fun x

Thursday 3 June 2010

Say what you like about this world...

I really like it. Genuinely. I have love for this planet and every person on it. And yeah there's bad. But there is good. A lot of it. And I love it.

Tuesday 1 June 2010

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7am

Tomorrow's only a kettle whistle away.

We've had an interesting night! It began at midnight on msn, which led to the amazing idea of walking! The walking took us to a pretty little play park where we had a massive chatting session, followed by an awesome play-time! We spun round and round on the round about and slid down the slide and climbed the monkey bars, and slid down the fireman's pole(almost).
After our play session, it became startlingly obvious that ice cream was necessary to continue in our night. Alas, the freezer was lacking in ice cream, and so we began our expedition to the 24hour asda, along a very long road where we found pretty daisies :)
24hours it is not! The bastard's closed the bloody shop for the bank holiday. We were in disarray and sat quietly begging outside for salvation. This continued for around 4 hours when some lovely marine men pointed out that McDonald's had opened and we could go and warm up in there. We headed off quickly desperate for some heat for the night's waiting had left us cold and dreary. We got tea, and finally at 7:45 we returned to ASDA to continue our wait, so we could be the first visitors there. We were first in and said 'Good Morning!' To the wonderful Mike, who let us in :) We then proceeded to buy Caffeine and Cake, as we decided it was far too chilly for Ice Cream, and we had no spoons.
We then walked all the way home in the rain, which was quite refreshing tbh, where we sat, dried off, changed and drunk a fuck load of tea while watching a fuck load of Scrubs.

Last night was a good night. :)