Saturday 16 April 2011

Bowling For Soup!

[I know we don't normally post our names, but I've already written this and can't be bothered to edit it for this blog]

So, yesterday I woke up with Rachael giving me a cup of tea, that’s a good way to wake up if ever there is one. So we got ready and showered and bathed and all lovely and when we went down for lunch about 12ish, we saw Liam who’d just made his own lunch, but he’d cooked like enough for about three people. Which would have been perfect if it wasn’t chicken and chips, and I’ve given up chips and Rachael’s a vegetarian :L

So Rachael stole a load of his chips and I stole a load of his chicken dipper things and we sorted ourselves out and left!

We got just onto Fareham Road, when we remembered we needed to go and get Rachael’s camera, so we went on a trip round the entirety of Gosport, and then we were finally on our way!

It was a good road trip, we essentially just listened to Bowling all the way there and sung loudly. It’s how we roll.

So, when we got to Brighton, we managed to find a parking space literally about 20 yards from the venue, so we were like

And we left my tiger guarding the car:

And then we went exploring around Brighton.

I managed to navigate us to the North Laines, and find my favourite shop ever, and we also went in this other shop and I bought a bracelet, however Liam remembered that ‘cause we were so excited about Bowling, we forgot it was a pay and display car park :L So we made Liam run alllll the way back to the car by the seafront to make sure we didn’t get a ticket XD Anyway, Rachael and I found shakeaway and it was good. We then went to the pier and played on the tuppeny slots, and we won a grand total of 22p! Brilliant.

Anyway, by this point it was 4:10, and Liam had had an ice cream, so he was happy, so we made our way back to the car and venue, where we got all excited then went and lined up :L We had a really loud conversation in the queue all about Fight Club, so I apologise if someone in that queue hadn’t watched it, but then again if you’ve not watched Fight Club, you’ve probably not lived.

~I wrote this all and then tumblr went and lost it from this point on. So sorry this part is really shit~

So, we eventually got in and somehow we had a conversation about politics… We soon were invited through though, and their main roadie guy was talking to us like, ‘so are you from Bristol or…?’ and I was like ‘…This is Brighton…but no we’re not’ :L And we had a lovely conversation there xD We then got invited up and we got hugs and our posters signed and Jaret pointed out he has my name tattood on his wrist. Obviously ‘cause I’m awesome. Yupyupyup.

We then got our photo taken with them:

And then the gig happened:

I never got any photos of the actual gig bit, they’re all support ^^ but that’s ‘cause the camera died and I was enjoying it too much anyway XD

It was over quickly, sadly, but then I realised I’d been stood up for roughly 6 hours or so, and I really needed to sit down and have a drink, so we got back to the car and I completely crashed and then I went to sleep straight away when we got in as I didn’t feel too good. Not the best end to a fucking brilliant day tbh.

Anyway, this is Rachael’s ‘Morning After’ photo :L She got all ready ‘cause she’s had to go somewhere, she took a photo of me, but it’s so terrible I’m not posting it :L

tl;dr: Bowling for soup and fantastic and lovely and wonderful and I love them.

Wednesday 13 April 2011

This is the song that reminds me of my trucker hat!

But, this is a blog post and I'm not exactly sure what a trucker hat is...
Is it like a cap?
I don't know.
Damn my English ignorance!

Anyway, tomorrow we're going to see Bowling For Soup Acoustic in Brighton! We've got VIP tickets and so are gonna meet them and hear their new album and get our photos taken and everything will be good.

Road trip!!

Ok, that's all for now. x

Tuesday 12 April 2011

I hear summer's coming round again...

We have a whole week of fun planned! xD How good's that.

'Cause we rock! And we're so damn cool, and life is pretty amazing at the moment. Yeah?!?!

Fun times!!!!!!

Thursday 24 March 2011

sixteen no, i’m ten i’m seventeen

..And a bank of Brune Park Beauty Queen!!

Did you know that we went to Brune Park?! Well we did. It was a good time! Sometimes... We had chip days!!!

We were brilliant! Just ask Dunstan. Dunstan is an English teacher, he taught us both. He's all right. He used to be like "hey, what you doing?" Good times. Crazy days...

Monday 14 March 2011

They say that I’m insane, but darling they’re blind, if I’m crazy I’m crazy for you.

I'm rather into a band called The Dawn Chorus at the moment.
A friend introduced me to them, apparently his old English teacher is the drummer or something. They're a Portsmouth local band anyhow, and if you like Frank Turner I'd say there's no reason why you shouldn't like them.

This is my favourite song at the moment, and the first song I've heard of theirs; my friend gave me a headphone and told me to 'listen to the best song in existence' and I did. I need to get their old album/s at some point, but for now I'm sticking with The Carnival Leaves Town which is essentially a concept album all about a carnival. Clever. Yeah.
Anyway, as the description on youtube says, it's about the composer Schumann - one of my favourites actually - and his essentially tragic life and love. The singer's voice holds the emotion of the song really well and has a few times when I've been a bit hormonal, brought a tear to my eye. :L

Oh and Frank Turner actually features in a couple of the songs, The Guilt and another one I cannae remember the name of at the point in time. (I've just realised I've typed 'cannae', that's odd...I'm going to leave it in for effect though)
So, go check them out and love them as I do.
They deserve it.

Monday 28 February 2011

Nihilistic comedy: good or bad?

Comedians have always been controversial, some far more than others. Comedians such as Frankie Boyle, George Carlin, Bill Hicks, Jerry Sadowitz, Sarah Silverman and so many more are known for their cynical, depressing outlook on the world. Often by the media this is highly criticised as unacceptable comedy: jokes about rape, abortions, racism, sexism, war. However these comedians are just the brave ones; the people who have enough confidence to say what most others think. Who else would be able to get up on stage and tell the politicians what everyone really thinks? I certainly wouldn’t.

In 2001, Chris Morris got a lot of backlash from an episode of Brass Eye, a satirical news show program, which focussed on the hysteria the media creates around subjects. This particular episode was about paedophilia and was met with over 2000 complaints and even politicians speaking out against it, who later admitted they hadn’t even watched the show. Surely this proves that the media will now do anything to denounce comedians and satire, without even listening to their point. The media responded hysterically to the notion Brass Eye gave, that the media responds hysterically to controversial subjects, thus proving Chris Morris exactly right. It merely highlighted further the hysteria and hypocrisy the media carries towards controversy.

In King Lear, the Jester is the only one who can tell the King his faults, everything that’s going wrong in his kingdom, the truth, without fear of persecution. Perhaps nihilistic comedians are the Jester of today; the people who highlight the faults, criticise the people in charge, religion, science and the world in general. In true White Chicks fashion, ‘You were thinking it!...But you said it!’ Having the belief and confidence in yourself to say to hundreds of people, sometimes thousands, what no one else has the guts to say has to be one of the most demanding careers around; something we really don’t give enough credit for. These comedians hold up a mirror to the sick society they see before them and show it to the world. We should be thankful for that. We could call nihilistic comedy Dorian Gray’s portrait of our time, showing the world the terrible horror of within, showing what the world is really like to those in charge, to those who seem not to notice.

These comedians are the real voice of the people, not David Cameron or any other politician, musician, or author nowadays. Comedians that tell it how it really is, they put forward most people’s views. They show that being ‘controversial’ isn’t perhaps as controversial as it seems: others agree with you, they just don’t feel the confidence to express it. They show others that they are not alone, and they shouldn’t be afraid to speak up, while adding humour into the situation; and let’s be honest, everyone loves a laugh. No one can go through life without laughing and when given a set in front of you that combines everything you’ve thought to yourself and more said out loud, while encompassing humour, I don’t think it should ever be looked down upon and tried to be hushed up. It should be shouted out loud. Shown on TV before midnight. Given some form of appreciation, because at the moment, it really doesn’t get the credit it deserves. In the current climate, where free expression is largely denied to the voiceless, disregarded by the powerful, isn’t it right that someone is saying what many of us are thinking inside?

The next post is going to be my coursework.

I'll probably take it down once I've done what I need with it, but for a while it might stay there.
Feel free to comment on it and such. It's meant to be written as a blog for intelligent people, so maybe this isn't the best place to road test it ;)

Only jokinggg!

But seriously, don't freak out that an actual, real, serious post is going to be posted.

:) x

Sunday 27 February 2011

You know the bit at the top?

That says 'The Revolution's Never Coming'
Did that used to be clicky?
'cause it's not any more and I think it used to be, and it's a bit annoying it not being so.

We're gonna have to fuck shit up with Blogger now. (N)


1001 now.

He ruined it.

1000 hits!

That's a lot!

Thanks Nathan :L

Thursday 17 February 2011

The Shoesssa! ( IT crowd, yeah?)

These shoes were the most coveted thing in my life, and here they are. On my feet. Hell fucking yes.

It's taken a while. Approximately two years staring at them on screen, failing to ever find a seller who sold my size. Then my 18th birthday my fantastically beautiful, generous and thoughtful boyfriend gave them to me, but in a size 3 which I couldn't get my annoyingly long wide and ugly feet into. But because he is amazing and not the kind to give up, he managed to get them changed into a perfect fit :D

He gave me them this morning, and I haven't taken them off. I can't actually walk yet, but I'm sure all I need is a bit of practise. They're gorgeous, so shiny they make a red reflection on the ground! Once I've learnt to walk I'll go through some foot pampering to cope with the open toe, and everyone will be in awe of my feet.

So fucking happy.
I love you boyfriend. Love

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Quiet Revolutionaries.

So, apparently our blog is banned by Janet, our college's filter.

We've decided this is a good thing, despite it meaning that if anyone so wished to read our blog in college they couldn't. This is because, we're obviously far too hardcore for St. Vincent's to handle. They're scared of our revolutionary ideas and ninja skills, they don't want us sharing our beautiful knowledge with any of you lot. (It blatantly has nothing to do with the large amount of swearing/inappropriate thoughts put onto this blog...)

You'll just have to wait until you get home. Shame.


Tuesday 11 January 2011

Everything is going my way!

My first eleven days of 2011 have been fucking awesome! Just sayin'