Sunday 31 January 2010

Somebody Get My Mum...

Okay we couldn't think of a lyric, so the title of the next song that came on, I decided I would put as the title. Suppose it could have been a better song :S

xD x

Matee! It's February! We just done a month! xD

So, the first month of two thousand and ten.
It was called January
We had our first lots of things of the year. Which was fun for us, not so fun for everyone else. But never mind :D
We watched lots of Disney Films
We saw Where The Wild Things Are in the cinema, and it was lovely and beautiful (but terrifying)
We went shopping and bought sexy clothes.
We went to...ROCKY HORROR SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And It Was Spectacular and Astoundingly Fabulous!
Then it was one of our Birthdays and we ate cake and raved :)
Good month!

Now Its February the first and its all magical and wonderful because it two thousand and ten. Two thousand and ten!

Wednesday 27 January 2010

Here's A Letter For You

Dear Newspaper
I would like to share with you all my complete shock in the calmness of the population considering the circumstances. Russell Howard (a good man) tells me that people are disgusted by lack of rubbish collections. Looking at the world it is easy to believe a good man. It is much easier to believe a good man, than a bad man.

Yesterday I watched in terror, as everything in the world began to break apart. The sky ripped in two like paper, continued to fracture showing more crevices. Behind it I thought I saw Hell. This froze me inside. Isn’t it funny, Hell is so hot, but I have never felt so cold as they day the sky died. I looked around and watched life get pulled apart around me. Every atom of every thing was disintegrating, breaking, dissolving. Houses seemed to shatter, like ornaments dropped from mantel pieces. It happened so fast. Everything accelerated, small sections of beauty flying through the air like electric impulses. The world blurred as it was torn apart. Trees. I remember the trees. So tall and majestic, they swirled then demolished right in front of my eyes. They didn't even leave dust, just space and Hell and it was closing in on me, suffocating me, squeezing me so tight I thought my ribs would snap, my skull would crunch and mutilate my brain, leave me the way everything else was and I was scared. Waves of water, washed over the destruction, cleansing it of everything that was once good. Gravity was lost in the trauma, the water flowed in every direction, drowning anything that was left. The water screamed, it almost laughed as it watched the earth powerlessly falling. Then for a moment everything was red. A red so intense I could taste it, smell it. So agonizingly bright it burnt not my skin, for I was no longer with body. It burnt my mind. My world which I loved, the extinguishing of my planet, the carnage and the murder.

Today I looked around, and there was no evidence that this even happened. Does no one care that the world ended?

Monday 25 January 2010

The Ultimate Combination

I've come to the conclusion Hugs and Tea improve life greatly.


PS. Toffee is also an intrinsic ingredient.

Friday 22 January 2010

I've Been To The Year 3000...

I hate to admit it, but I have a feeling Busted never actually went to the year 3000! I know right, shocking! But I have been studying their journal of what they saw, and it's not looking good.

'Boy bands, and another one, and another one, and another one...' Boy bands sadly started to die out in the early 2000s, they are generally what people class as 90s pop, which is never actually 90s pop. It's 2010 now, and there are few boy bands around, there's the occasional shitt one, such as 'JLS' or some other boy band... but no way near enough, I feel by 2015 they'll all be gone, and sadly I don't feel they will have a revival by the year 3000.

'Everybody bought our 7th Album' The spilt up, it was a terrible state of affairs, but now Charie has Fightstar and James had that pop-punk band for a little bit, and Matt had his solo career, and I feel they're not gonna get back together to create another 4 albums. This small fact saddens me. But tis life.

'It had outsold Michael Jackson' Now I don't think I need to point out...he's kinda dead. And I doubt he's gonna be bringing out much more in the way of albums.

In conclusion, Busted lied to me. I feel like part of my youth has been taken away from me. I need my faith in childhood and pop boy bands none exist anymore, I have no how idea about how to go about doing this. I'll figure it out somehow I'm sure :)(I listened to the Avril Lavigne album Let's Go, and my faith was restored in early 2000s pop. All is well. :D)

In other news; John and Terry, they work for Brainiac, but they don't do much, the just kinda sit around drinking tea and pressing a button occasionally. You see, 'Terry's only into fighting' and the conversations between him and John usually go something like:
Terry: Put the kettle on John,
John: I did it last time!
Terry: I know but...
John: Ohh okayy! Just once more! It's your turn next time!
And therefor John always ends up making the tea. There's a moral in this for all of us; Don't fight! 'Cause otherwise you can't make tea!

I love you all :)


Wednesday 13 January 2010

Hello, Welcome To My Show.

I don't have a show. Sorry. Tbh, I just wanted to say Hi, but that's only half of the lyric.

How're you today? You're looking lovely.

It's now 13 days into this year, and everyone's got exams :/ That kinda sucks, but they'll all be over with soon, and we can do the bare minimum right up to the summer when we all get The Fear! and start revising wayy too late to actually help ourselves properly. It'll all be good :)

On the 23rd we're gonna go see The Rocky Horror Picture Show in Southampton, it's gonna be electric! We're both gonna go as Magenta, 'cause tbh, it's the easiest outfit. I bought the sexiest boots alive, but I don't know if they're gonna arrive on time :S I love Rocky Horror, genuinely amazing :D

It's all snowy in England, wtf is that about?! Mental. Love it though, it's all beautiful and makes the world look like magic.

I'm pretty much just updating you on shit you already probably know about tbh. Deal with it yeahh? :)I got given pieces of paper that you get after you do a Piano exam today, they tell you your marks etc etc, guess what? I passed :D Wheyyy, what's even more amazing, is I passed with 101 marks, when 100 is the barrier. Made me well happy when I found out. It amazes me Ahha xD

I don't think there's anything else 'worth' saying tbh. I love you all. You are all beautiful, every single one :)


Friday 8 January 2010

Memories Full Of Fun =]

Fucked Up When Its All Done!!!!!!! XD

Its been this year for 8 days! That's a week, then a day. WOW! Is everyone else still on their New Year high, or is it just us? Fuck it, I don't care! It snowed this year. Right at the beginning. How cool is that? Also it rained, it got super cold and icy, the sun shone, we had a full moon :) It's so lovely

I love you all :)

Wednesday 6 January 2010

'I'm more of an action transvestite'

Okay, I lie. But, Eddie Izzard, I have deep love for that man, but what I have deeper love for, is his jacket, the one he wears in Sexie for the first half. I have googled and googled all over the place, and have come up with nothing! Not even a blog about someone really wanting that jacket! So I thought I should set this major wrong doing right! Hopefully, one day someone else, just as vain and jacket loving as I will watch his DVD, explode their spleen laughing, and then set about googling to find out where the fuck that jacket's from! It's insane, and it upsets me.

On the upside, I did find a website that sells T-shirts with some of his jokes on it, such as the squirrel 'Did I leave the gas on...No, no, I'm a fucking squirrel!'joke and many a cake or death T-shirt. Take a look -

Also, Ecnalubma is a word! Well, it's put on one of them 'dictionary' websites like and urban dictionary etc etc, Ecnalumba i you're interested is what you see on the front of Ambulance's. It's an Izzard joke again. If you havn't watched him. Well you should!


Tuesday 5 January 2010

Snow, Snow, Snow, Snow

It Won't Be Long Before We'll All Be There With Snowww!

Earlier we were talking online, and I was sent this beautiful piece of literature.

'We all stood and stared at the sky at 4oclock, with such anticipation we felt like children, but once again the sky rained instead. The dissapointment resounded through the streets, but only for a second. Then it was replaced with laughter. After all, first rain of 2010 :)'

How gorgeous is that?! Then we got on with our usual shenanigans etc etc, and one had to leave, sadness ensued, then a good few hours later, what should happen, but SNOW!


I'm on a major high tbh!
It's absolutely beautiful outside.
This world is beautiful.
I love it.

Enjoy it.

Okay, like a day has past ftr :) And, the ground is covered proper white, and really thick, you can see everyone's foot prints, and the sky is white and really low like a blanket and there's still a really light snow fall which is getting spun around in circles by the wind :). It's really cold, but were all wrapped up in layers, and hats and scarves. Were really very happy :)

And also were failing at building an igloo :D And were also drinking tea lots, to warm us up after playing in the snow :D Its bloody Fantastic

Monday 4 January 2010

Damn...No appropriate lyrics for a title :/

Bit of a depressing start to what was going to be a happy post, but never mind, It'll all change from here on in!
It's been 2010 for 4 fantastically wonderful days now. Were all back at school and college and work and the like.
This is blatantly the decade where people speak in ways that no one can understand, and phrase things in the most absurd way ever. Like why?
But right its also the decade of sexy clear skies and beautiful moons. Okay so that wont last, but I swear the sky got more beautiful on New Years. It amazes me. You can actually see stars and stuff, and its proper bright blue in the morning, when its cold and frosty and you breathe like a dragon. The mornings are pretty :) Worth getting out of bed for.
Lots of things are happening this year, it's quite epic really. The effect that this year will have on the rest of our lives is slightly terrifying, but also quite amazing. Makes it seem like its actually got a point :)
I have goals this year. Don't epic fail at exams is one of them, but its got a bit lost in the most important aims of 2010. Meet Trash McSweeney, meet Amanda Palmer. Meet Brian Molko? But that's never going to happen :/ That's ok though. If I get the first two it'll be the best year I've ever had :P
Happy New Year once again :)

Friday 1 January 2010

Your Gonna Smile Sometimes!

Can we blog twice in one day? I think we can! I think that's how we should roll in 2010 ladies and gentleman!

It'll Be The Best Year Ever!

Fuck Me! It's 2010!!!! And has been for 31 minutes! WOW!

We've already had the 1st Fail, Quotation, injury, inappropriate touching, revolution, hamster revolution, sneeze and more of 2010! And we feel amazing!!

This is insane! this is the first blog of 2010, and WOW!

I know what you're thinking, no I don't... but still yeahhhh?!

We're gonna start our revolution this year. This year is the oportune year.

Unicorn and Rainbow thoughts and dream yourself to sleep!


It'll be the best year ever!