Monday 12 April 2010

Cake Or Death?!

Is a predicament faced by many people in life. I personally have faced it seven and a half times! A lot of cake...Or Death!

Once a badger named Isaac was making a cake for his close family and friends. It was going to be a cake of epic proportion, filled with fairy dust and barbie's shoes. He quickly remembered he didn't know how to make a cake and set off to consult Winston, a wise peacock who ran the apothecary on the corner. Winston was often consulted on matters of such importance.

Isaac knocked on the door four times as this was the special knock for Winston and all cake related problems. Winston flew to the door in immense joy, as Winston enjoyed visitors. Isaac told Winston all about his cake idea and after some persuasion in the form of midget gems and interpretive dance Winston agreed to help. They rushed back to Isaac's home skipping and singing Queen songs loudly.

Winston thought it a better idea to swap Isaac's preferred barbie shoes, with pieces of lego, as he knew from previous experiences that this added a much nicer texture to the piece. They worked all day, every day for 3 and a half years to get the cake perfect, and finally, whilst on the verge of giving up, they had a break through...Maybe, if they put it in the oven, it might cook! Now, the oven hadn't been used for 3 and a half years at this point, so was slightly rusty, but soon got itself going again, and proceeded to bake the cake to perfection; light and fluffy, and golden on top.

Icing was next on the agenda. They put lots of icing sugar in a bowl and mixed it all together, making a big mess, but that was part of the fun of cooking. They then decorated it with more than a thousand hundred and thousands and chocolate buttons, which kept sliding off, but that was fine, because it was going to be eaten anyway. Isaac's family and friends all came round for afternoon tea, and had the wonderful cake and laughed about how it had taken 3 and a half years, but how it was all worth it because it made them very very happy like when people touch them in their special place. They gave the left over cake to passing wallabies, and everyone was happy for ever.


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