Friday 11 December 2009

Six Feet Under The Stars

Is it just me or is the world obsessed with Revolution? But hardly anyone's 'revolting' as it were.
Honestly, look around. We used to find it coincidental, we'd been joking about the song 'The revolution's never coming' and then we'd open a DVD box and it would have a flier saying 'Join the Revolution!'
Apparently even men's shaving is a revolution of some kinda or another now. I mean, I know we always mess around saying we're gonna start a revolution, and such like, but really, EVERYONE is doing so atm, which really doesn't make it too good a revolution. Just remember 'You'll never be the first, you'll never be the last' So what's the point in talking about 'revolutions' that really aren't revolutionary at all!
If we start a revolution, we'll do it properly, with marches and protests and the like, although we have decided it will be a peaceful revolution, like The Rose Revolution, what happened in Georgia. How lovely is it that people can change the shitt that's gone wrong in their country, without being violent. Beautiful.

Also, as a small mention. People are Wonderful. Does anyone bother to look at people nowadays? Like... in a non-perverted way... I was on a bus the other day, and there was this Dad with this gorgeous baby, the dad was taking to the child, without worrying about what other people were thinking of him, he was really happy. He obviously loved his son lots, the Mum was watching the Dad and Boy mess around, with a smile on her face. There was these old people on the bus stop talking. They didn't know each other, but they were having a wonderful conversation together, without being embarrassed or anything. The way people act, and do things is well interesting if you actually stop to take notice...again, in a non-stalkery way. People should learn to interact with each other more I think. Technology is probably taking that away from us. We should probably deal with this. Revolution anyone?


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