Wednesday 14 October 2009

You've Never Seen Such Perseverance!

GCSE art, I think I'm going through the 5 stages of death with this last project! D:

(<<--That's it. Done. I think anyway, the pictures not too good quality anyway and my teacher says it's about a D, but tbh, I don't care if I pass Art or not anymore, the fact is, it's done!)

1)Denial - I didn't believe we only had liek a week to finish this. I denied that I would fail. ( if this counts)
2)Anger - I was Reaaaalllllly pissed off with my teacher, and most people in general, just cause I was getting so stressed over this work, which is gonna go in some local gallery in a week of so.
3)Bargining - We all asked our teacher for an extension. No, was her answer.
4)Depression - Last night I almost had a major breakdown over this! I was almost in tears over a piece of silk! XD
5) Acceptance - I've accepted it's to be in for like tomorrow, even though yesterday the deadline was today, so hopefully the same will happen again! (yn)

What I'm trying to say is, GCSE Art Sucks! It's so much work! That if you're not naturally completely amazing at art, then it's hell, takes up ALL of your time, upsets you, and generally ruins 2 years of your life. This is why I'm not having anything to do with it at college next year!

I should really get back to sewing sequins on now! It'll take forever, but I'm determined to get it done now. Hense the title from 'Haemoglobin.' I heard the line and was like...! I must tell the world(more like about 2 people who may or may not read this) about the hell this is, and how really, I'm getting over it :P

Really, this is all a massive waste of time, and I'm now out of tea...Any offers to make me another cup? Please?


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