Saturday 24 July 2010

JJ- 'Does this mean I can't come to the shed anymore?'

Freddie - 'Of course you can, I just need some space'

We decided we needed a shed. So we cleaned out mine, and painted it, with the left over white paint that I had lying around. Although, tragedy struck half way through where we realised what we had thought was white paint was actually black and pink and blue paint instead. So, what to do thought us and our wonderfully strong and intelligent helpers - Pink and blue zigzags? Why not! So we set about painting one of the walls, pink on the bottom, blue on the top, although we didn't really wash out the rollers well enough and we ended up with a sort of 'sunset' blue and pinky purple top with a bright pink bottom. It's slightly patchy but I'm sure it's fine.

We're gonna put some old arm chairs in it, and maybe a sofa and we're gonna have music and posters, and Eric on the wall, and it's gonna be our shed. 'Cause we're just that cool.

A massive thank you to our helpers Luke and Matt, one of whom we woke up, but neither of them questioned the fact we were painting our garage at about 6 in the evening, and came out with rollers in hand ready to get covered in paint.

It was a good day


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