Wednesday, 16 June 2010

My day with Derek.

Derek was given to me today, he's an invisible guardian unicorn who fills my head with happy thoughts all day, how cool is that! :O

Well, I thought I'd describe a day spent in the company of an invisible unicorn, as many people, I'm sure, are unfamiliar with the concept.

I started with a slight lay in, a good start I thought. I then had a shower, where both the shampoo and conditioner ran out at the same time, but I still had enough to wash my hair with; this is always a sign that your day will be great, and is a very rare occurrence! I then got to go shopping for baby clothes, for everyone has babies at this time of year, so newborns are popping up everywhere and as are birthday's. After a productive shopping trip I came home and made cake, cake that worked very well, it rose perfectly, I hardly made any mess, and I never burnt myself once. Today was already one of the best days ever.
While the cake was cooling I decided to go to co-op to get some soup, for I had cravings for tomato soup, and we had run dry of soup last week; now, Ladies and Gentlemen, I must say, if you're going to spend hardly any money on soup, spend hardly any money on soup in ASDA. ASDA smartprice tomato soup, is lovely, despite it's lack of anything real in it, it is 17p for a normal sized tin, in Co-op however, cheap soup, is 'healthy living' soup, so it's probably got less real things in it than smartprice, and it is also about 20 odd p more expensive, for a smaller tin too! And, to top that off, it tastes like shit. So, I warn you of 'Co-op Healthy Living Tomato Soup' for future reference :)
I did however get a chocolate muffin, which was lovely, and fully made up for the lack of nice soup.
I'm going for my second ever lesson on the Organ later.
I'm also going to see a 3 day old baby, and give him some adorable dungaree's with dinosaurs on I bought earlier.

I feel this day shall continue to be good.
I thank you for Derek; he's super cool.


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