Wednesday, 6 January 2010

'I'm more of an action transvestite'

Okay, I lie. But, Eddie Izzard, I have deep love for that man, but what I have deeper love for, is his jacket, the one he wears in Sexie for the first half. I have googled and googled all over the place, and have come up with nothing! Not even a blog about someone really wanting that jacket! So I thought I should set this major wrong doing right! Hopefully, one day someone else, just as vain and jacket loving as I will watch his DVD, explode their spleen laughing, and then set about googling to find out where the fuck that jacket's from! It's insane, and it upsets me.

On the upside, I did find a website that sells T-shirts with some of his jokes on it, such as the squirrel 'Did I leave the gas on...No, no, I'm a fucking squirrel!'joke and many a cake or death T-shirt. Take a look -

Also, Ecnalubma is a word! Well, it's put on one of them 'dictionary' websites like and urban dictionary etc etc, Ecnalumba i you're interested is what you see on the front of Ambulance's. It's an Izzard joke again. If you havn't watched him. Well you should!


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